Welcome to my crazy busy, hectic, beautiful, evolving life.
I got a promotion at work, and I have loads more hours and loads more responsibilities. I'm so thankful! I absolutely love my job and I love the people I work with. I'm so blessed to be given the chance to get this experience while working toward my degree. It doesn't suck that my boss loves everything I write, either. :)
I'm also blessed to have a babysitter that is wonderful with my children while I'm at work. She goes above and beyond just making sure my kids don't kill themselves while I'm gone- she works with them on their Letters of the Week, finger paints with them, and more. This was my biggest setback when it came to actually finding a "real" job. I didn't trust a stranger to keep my kids, nor did I want them in a big room full of other kids where they could be exposed to germs and all sorts of other habits other children may introduce them to. Kindergarten is coming soon enough- I want to keep my babies as innocent and precious as I can for as long as I can, thanks.
Everything has just fallen into place perfectly. I feel like an "adult", like I've finally gotten my crap together and am contributing to my family's well-being while still being able to spend time with my children. Twenty-five hours a week is the perfect amount for me, money-wise and time-wise. I'm so so so so so so SO thankful.
As everything falls together, I've come to realize that other things must fall apart in order for them to do so. People you swore would never let you down, do. "Sometimes, you just need to distance yourself from people. If they care, they'll notice. If they don't, then you know where you stand." And that's okay. Being a wife and being a mother are the most important
roles I can play in life, and I've got to learn to let go of the rest. And slowly, but surely, I am.
Life is evolving into a beautiful place for this girl right now. <3
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