Saturday, May 26, 2012

My Brain at 4 A.M... Welcome.

So yeah... I can't sleep.

I wake up every night (and by every night I mean every single effing night) at 3:30 and am usually up for at least the next hour. Someone please remind me to go back to the doctor about this!
... AFTER I get back from Florida!

Last night was an interesting night.
I don't usually complain, and so I won't for very long, but this is Real Talk.
Keep me in your thoughts because I'm having a really. difficult. time. here in Canton.
Or anywhere, really.
I cannot find a good friend to save my life when it comes to people-I've-met-post-high-school. Seriously. My best friend lives an hour away, and we each have our own stuff going on, so I don't just easily get to drop everything and drive to Chatsworth for the day by the pool with Tabitha. When you have kids it's just not easy to do. So I've been trying to make friends that are in the area, like Tyler's friends' wives/girlfriends and things of that nature.
And I swear to the good Lord I have not met ONE decent female that came out of Jasper (with the exception of Chase). I know this sounds terrible and judgemental and it sucks, but it's true. I've had three other "good" girlfriends besides Tabitha since Tyler and I got married. One was a pill head, one chased her boyfriend around her apartment with a knife because she was a cuh-ray-zee bitch, and the other turned out to be a few knotches under a prostitute.

Chase Newton is my only other "best" friend, and she lives 40 minutes across Highway 20 in Cumming. Even though she grew up with Tyler, we aren't "Jasper" friends. Her ex-boyfriend used to live with me and Tyler (she dated Tim for like 5 years, if you're a Mine reader), but we didn't start hanging out on the reg until last February, and we never hang out IN Jasper. Anyway, that's not my point.
She also has a job where she works til 6:00 every day. Again, not easy to just get together and chill when there's other things going on and you're looking at an hour and a half total drive time.

Am I crazy to just want another mom to have playdates with and chill by the pool with our kids?? Like, surely to God that isn't SO hard!! I am struggling here, friends. The people I have met so far have just sucked. Now that I'm away from Jasper I'm hoping I can meet new people and find new faces. Preferably a few that are moms, too.

So anyway, when you find a good friend, I feel like you should appreciate them and tell them how thankful you are for them. True friends really are hard to come by.
Here's my favorite picture ever of my two best friends. Aren't they awesome?

Sorry this was mostly rambling :/ It's just how my brain works and I have no idea how to stop it!

1 comment:

  1. And we are stone sober in that picture! lol. U like that.
