Sunday, March 4, 2012

"Crush": Crush or Crushed?

It's taken Tyler and me a LONG time to find a church we are both not only comfortable in, but excited about. I'm talking, like, years. Since we've been together- which going on four and a half years now. I'm SO excited to tell you that we have finally found a church that we actually look forward to with a pastor we can relate to. It's a non-denominational church, and we love everything about it.

Our first visit was on the first sermon of a marriage series titled "Crush". We were interested to see what it was all about and, once we heard the first marriage, excited to hear what else Jason had to say, because our marriage has overcome MOUNTAINS (in the plural) in the past 12 months.

The series, which ended this morning, has been incredible, and I wanted to share it with you guys. Whether you're married, engaged, whatever, this is definitely worth listening to. This is the first part of the series, titled "Crush or Crushed". It's lengthy, but when you get time to curl up on the couch, give it a listen.

Revolution Church

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