From the time I was little, I always knew I wanted to be a mom. What I didn't know was how being a mom would change me forever. You hear it all the time- when a child is born there is a love that comes into existence that is inexplainable. But it's the honest to God truth. I THOUGHT I loved Mexican food. I THOUGHT I loved dance. I THOUGHT I loved my little brothers. I THOUGHT I loved Tyler. All of that pails in comparison to the way my children have captured my heart.
Greenleigh Nevaeh. We found out about her on August 17, 2008. I'll never forget that morning as long as I live. We were both shocked and then Tyler got excited, so I became that way too. We had gotten engaged a month earlier, so we put a rush on the wedding and she arrived April 16, 2009. This was the best day of my life, because THIS was the day I became a mother.
Pregnant with our baby girl! 38 weeks |
The day my life changed forever- 04.16.2009 |
Skyler James. He was a Pill baby, and I definitely wasn't planning on having two babies so close together. But he's been nothing but sweetness from the minute we met him, and I'm actually glad that my kids are so close together now. They will always have someone to play with and someone to count on, no matter what. He came into the world May 1, 2010, and once again, it was one of the best days of my life- I had a baby boy!
The day I went into labor- April 30, 2010 |
Meeting our sweet boy- 05.01.2010 1:21 a.m.
Greenleigh meeting her baby brother |
The Bryans- Skyler- 3 months, Greenleigh- 14 months
My babies- Christmas 2010
My BEAUTIFUL kids- April 2011 |
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